Monday, October 01, 2012

Fundraising Update

Hello readers,

For those of you who have committed to making a contribution To my Haiti medical mission, I thank you for your charity. I cannot express in words how grateful we involved all feel. Every dollar committed to this ongoing project goes straight to the orphanage and the clinic.

I wish I could write that fundraising has been going well but that would be a gross overstatement. Frankly things have started off somewhat slow. I was hoping to be halfway towards our $5000 goal, But alas we are not 1/4 there yet. Perhaps people are waiting to commit until the trip is a little bit closer, But what people need to understand is that we make our Pharmaceutical and supply purchases in the next month or so. As a reminder I would like to tell folks that we do not commit any donations to our personal travel expenses- We travelers pay our own way So 100% of the contributions can go directly to the orphans And local towns people. On occasion there have been a few dollars left over to help subsidize those In a less desirable financial situation.

I would strongly encourage those who are willing to make a commitment to this worthwhile project to do so over this month of October so that our group knows that we will have enough Resources to Make our trip a success.

I'm not really very good at soliciting funds with hat in hand, so thank you for putting up with my pleas.

Thank you and God bless! Eric